Innovacion y Negocios

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Switch Festival en su Versión Virtual

Saca el máximo provecho

Los resultados dependen de tí.

Aquí te compartimos algunos tips para que puedas maximizar los resultados de tu participación en la Feria Virtual Switch 2015:
  • Participa activamente en la feria, atendiendo tu stand en los horarios que has marcado con disponibilidad.
  • Revisa constantemente los mensajes que recibes desde la Feria, alguno puede ser el contacto o prospecto que esperas.
  • Recorre la feria, solicita una cita y contacta los programas internacionales y aceleradoras participantes.
  • Envía mensajes directos a través del módulo de chat de cada stand.
  • Invita a tus amigos, prospectos y clientes a que visiten tu stand. Sólo tienes que copiar la url de tu stand y compartirla por mail o en tus redes sociales.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Visión Innovadora y Estratégica

¿Te gustaría desarrollar una visión innovadora y estratégica del entorno competitivo, que te permita analizar, identificar, planear y generar nuevas oportunidades de negocio basado en Innovación Rentable?

En InnovaRe México te ofrecemos:

Fortalecimiento de emprendedores de impacto en sectores estratégicos, mediante el diseño e implementación de estrategias efectivas para mejorar su competitividad.

El crecimiento de un sector económico específico esta relacionado con la capacidad de integración de sus actores principales así como la definición de una visión estratégica que genere una dinámica colectiva donde los participantes perciban un beneficio colectivo e individual.

  • Diagnóstico sectorial de necesidades.
  • Desarrollo de un ecosistema de emprendimiento sectorial.
  • Construcción de un plan estratégico sectorial y del sistema emprendedor.
  • Desarrollo de alianzas estratégicas a nivel sectorial o geográfico.
  • Financiamiento de proyectos productivos y de emprendedores de impacto.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Project management and IP

Project management and IP

  • Set a minimum standard for the collaborative work.
  • Identify IP costs according to the kind of nature of the deliverables.
  • Set clear rules in the agreement got decision making and cost bearing on BASE and NEW IP.
  • Identify the person that will be responsible for IP management.
  • Payment of territories.    
  • Pay for council.
  • Conflict of interest.
  • Licensing or technology transfer decisions and income allocation based on IP ownership per country.
  • Identify reserves for government funding.
  • Disclosure Duties.
  • Identify risks and agree proper statements, permissions or exceptions.
  • Set forth all government.

Tech Import/Export.

  • Identify the restrictions that countries may impose for import and export.
  • Identify which restrictions apply to governments and specific activities.

Why is this important for the success of the project?
The interest of the stakeholders of the project.

Investors: will require high cost to imitate id development cost is high.
IP is the only tool to secure knowledge ownership, so far.
Governments must not fund without IP (assessment).

Open Source:
As long as you don't benefit economically from the information.

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015


Mentoring is:
A one-to-one relationship over a period of time between a less experienced person (mentee) and an established professional (mentor), which provides consistent support, guidance and practical help
A process by which an experienced professional shares their personal skills, knowledge and experience with another person
A means of enabling a less experienced person to gain the necessary skills, knowledge and confidence to be able to perform at a higher level
An opportunity for a less experienced person to gain access to impartial, non-judgmental guidance and support
A process of working together to achieve predetermined goals and objectives
A two-way process through which both parties derive satisfaction from the progress, and success is attained through working together.

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

@FestivalSwitch2015 #SWITCH2015

Se viene el primer festival de Aceleración para Startups en Latinoamérica

Holistic Innovation Ecosystem

Traditionally, companies favour a closed innovation approach, where innovation is developed in-house and IP is rigorously protected as a source of competitive advantage. However, there are number of key drivers that call into question the logic of this approach in today’s world:
  • Technology, digital and social networking are connecting us in new ways, enabling us to collaborate more and better
  • There are more skilled workers in more places, and they are more mobile than ever
  • Companies can no longer maintain large R&D and innovation budgets
  • An unrelenting pace of change makes it riskier to rely solely on in-house capabilities and lengthy innovation development cycles
  • More active consumerism – Consumers are more accustomed collaborating and participating in the innovation process
  • Competition isn’t letting up, and trusted brands are stretching into different sectors
Successful innovation normally stems from insight, or learning something new that is valuable and actionable. This only happens when our perspectives are challenged. The more perspectives we have, the more learning and insight we will get, and faster. Similarly, we rarely have all the capabilities and assets we need in-house (let alone in one part of the business) to deliver innovation. Going back to first principles, an idea that doesn’t see the light of day is not innovation.

The implication is that it is now possible to involve more parties in your innovation activities and doing so can result in better, faster results. This requires a more holistic innovation ecosystem, one that accesses more employees from outside business silos and more parties outside of the organisation. A holistic innovation ecosystem can draw on entrepreneurs, start-ups, customers, partners, venture capital firms, academic institutions, government bodies, and many other parties. It’s not about involving everyone, but rather about selectively involving those parties who can help you achieve your ambitions. It can require planning and a lot of change, but there are many possible benefits:
  • A higher innovation success rate
  • Efficiency and improved ROI
  • Speed to market
  • Risk reduction & risk-sharing
  • Monetisation of shelved IP
  • Brand trust, advocacy and engagement

In summary, we need a more holistic innovation model that will work harder for us in today’s world. We need to reconnect it to our organisations’ purpose and strategy. It needs to filter enterprise-wide throughout the organisational value chain so that every part of the business is innovating to contribute to the company’s purpose of creating and capturing value for all stakeholders. We should reassess our innovation portfolio strategies and widen our innovation ecosystems to get better, faster results. In future editions of Innovation Quarterly we will explore holistic innovation in more detail and pick up on how organisations can go about designing and implementing holistic innovation systems.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

Women Entrepreneurs

"There is an enormous untapped investment opportunity for
venture capitalists smart enough to look at the numbers and fund women entrepreneurs."

"More than 97% of venture-funded businesses have male CEOs."

"Raising Money is hard and sometimes being a woman works against you because of perceptions, but don’t let it beat you down.”

"The lack of diversity in the venture capital industry, taken together with the overall performance of the industry, suggests that the model for venture capital that has been in place since the 1980s should be reconsidered and re-evaluated in order to effect change."

"Venture Capital Industry Should be Re-Examined Based on Gender and Geographical Investment Preferences"

sábado, 6 de junio de 2015


Corporate entrepreneurship is seen as critical for existing corporations to successfully create, develop and execute new ventures that renew their product and technology portfolios as their existing products age and markets mature (Lumpkin and Dress, 2001 & 2004; Lumpkin and Lichtenstein, 2005; Luchsinger and Bagby, 1987,).

Corporate entrepreneurship has also been labeled as “intrapreneuring” (Pinchot, 1985) or “intrapreneurship,” where existing corporations build new innovative businesses from within using an entrepreneurial approach. Existing corporations, including many large legacy automobile manufacturers, face multiple challenges in adopting corporate entrepreneurship or an entrepreneurial orientation. 

New corporate ventures tend to be located at the edges or within the seams between existing businesses, require different business and financial models and require very different cultures (Garvin and Levesque, 2006). Miller (1983) presented three dimensions for building successful corporate entrepreneurship — innovativeness, risk-taking and proactiveness — and Dess and Lumpkin (2005) in their “entrepreneurial orientation” framework added two additional dimensions — competitive aggressiveness and autonomy. Dess and Lumpkin’s (2005) framework for effective corporate entrepreneurship provides insights into the critical role of green-technology vehicle corporate entrepreneurship within larger legacy corporations. 

The entrepreneurial orientation framework is useful in suggesting how Toyota’s green-technology corporate entrepreneurship served Toyota well and acted as another significant catalyst for the emergence of new start-up greentechnology vehicle entrepreneurial ventures. 


Opportunities From Technology Transfer

Managed strategically, innovation procurement should be considered one of the mechanisms by which governments can build and strengthen domestic industries through acquiring technology transfer and supporting the subsequent diffusion within domestic markets and institutions. 

Additionally, the opportunities afforded by technology transfer within the scope of forward commitment or pre-commercial innovation procurement offers low-income countries the opportunity to bring clean technology to the domestic market that hasn’t previously existed. Whether it be through the purchase of equipment and services, turnkey installations, joint ventures or consultancy agreements, procurement is placed to support the growth of domestic technological take up and bring new green technologies to market. 

One example is to take advantage of joint ventures and public–private partnerships to couple domestic companies with foreign partners as a means of gaining access to advanced processes and product technologies, management knowledge and broader export market opportunities. Joint ventures are particular effective for absorbing and learning technology as there is an inherent transfer of processes, skills training and product knowledge associated with daily operations on shared projects. 

Policies that reserve sectors for domestic investors, provide incentives to train and upgrade the local labour force, and use domestic raw materials can also be coupled with green procurement policies to create synergies for clean technology development.


miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

A un click de distancia ScalingUpM

 será la forma más sencilla de conectarse, incluye tutoriales, a un click de distancia  ​ 

Oportunidad de negocios
Invitan a próximo congreso parael empresariado
Miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015 - Edición impresa

Empresarios, nuevos emprendedores y todo aquel interesado en tener relación de negocios con inversionistas, posibles socios, clientes potenciales, proveedores y otros agentes más de los mercados nacional e internacional podrán hacerlo en mayo gracias a una feria virtual en internet creada especialmente para ese fin, informó el director de ese proyecto Ramón Scott Ortiz.
Esa plataforma, explicó, es como una exposición o feria de negocios que se realiza en cualquier centro de convenciones, pero en este caso se hará por medio de la red, lo cual conlleva una mayor cantidad de ventajas.
La principal de ellas es que sin tener que viajar o moverse de la oficina permite a los interesados enlazarse con gente del medio empresarial de Reino Unido, Perú, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y la República mexicana, que son las naciones participantes en ese plan.
Otra virtud es el ahorro de la inversión que implica montar un “stand” y realizar toda la logística para estar en forma presencial en la expo. No es necesario un desembolso elevado para lograr el primer acercamiento entre quien promueve un producto y servicio y sus posibles clientes y socios proveedores, etc.
Entrevistado vía telefónica desde la ciudad de México, después de que ofreció una rueda de prensa para presentar ese portal de internet, Scott Ortiz indicó que ese plan es una parte importante del Congreso Internacional de Innovación Scaling Up 2015, que realizará en esta ciudad la Universidad Anáhuac Mayab, los días 6, 7 y 8 de mayo.
El portal se abrirá el 7 y continuará abierto hasta el día 29.
El Scaling Up 2015 reunirá en Mérida a conferenciantes nacionales e internacionales para dar a conocer las tendencias globales en emprendimiento e innovación. El fin es que los participantes escalen y lleven sus ideas o negocios a niveles superiores.
Ese evento, como ya informamos, está dirigido principalmente a emprendedores jóvenes o adultos, empresarios e inversionistas, el cupo es para 700 personas.
Respecto al portal, el entrevistado detalló que se llama Scaling Up Month, en él pueden participar expositores y público en general. Tal como ocurre con una exposición o feria, ahí los expositores contarán con un módulo virtual para mostrar sus productos o servicios, también habrá una sala de negocios y medios para el enlace con expertos, compradores, posibles socios, etcétera.
La cuota para estar ahí va de 300 a 400 dólares. Esta última da derecho además a tener espacio para poner en ese portal un vídeo y un catálogo y tener un canal para entrevistas y conversaciones.
Además se ofrecerán 18 conferencias por esa vía, parte de ellas serán de acceso exclusivo a los expositores.
A la fecha ya se inscribieron 80 empresas, de las que 25 son de México y el resto del Reino Unido, Ecuador, Perú, Chile y Colombia, estos tres últimos son junto con México integrantes de la Alianza del Pacífico.— Hansel Vargas A.
Los inscritos hasta ahora son de ocho giros, la mayoría están agrupados en el rubro de tecnologías de la información. El resto son de los ramos de agroindustria, turismo, sustentabilidad y energías renovables. Se espera que participen 150 expositores en total y que haya unos 200,000 visitantes.
De un vistazo
Scaling Up Month será la forma más sencilla de conectarse, y su utilización es sencilla, incluye tutoriales para hacerla todavía más accesible”, expresó Ramón Scott Ortiz.
El público en general también podrá, en forma gratuita, ingresar a esa plataforma y escuchar parte de las conferencias. 
Mayor información e inscripciones en el portal

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

ScalingUpM #ScalingUpM

Scaling Up Month, plataforma virtual de emprendimiento e innovación para empresas exportadoras y startups innovadoras.
Dicha plataforma, desarrollada 100% en la nube, promueve la vinculación entre empresas y startups de alto impacto (modelo de negocio innovador validado por una aceleradora o incubadora) interesadas en consolidar su negocio en los países de la Alianza del Pacífico (Chile, Colombia, México, Perú) y Reino Unido. Asimismo, ofrece conferencias impartidas por especialistas de distintos países,  fomentando la creación de nuevas redes de trabajo y la colaboración internacional entre los participantes.

Entre los conferencistas invitados para el Congreso Internacional de Innovación Scaling Up que se desarrollará en Merida , destacan Louis Goldish del MIT;  Kevin D. Johnson, presidente de Johnson Media Inc.; Alfonso Govela, consultor de ONU Hábitat; Marcus Dantus, director de Startup México; Juan Mateos García, economista en Nesta; Ramón Scott, CEO de InnovaRe, M7 Ecosystems Ltd así como managing partner de ScalingUpM; Carlos Argüello, fundador de Studio C, en Guatemala; Liz Zumárraga, directora de Startup México – Campus Mérida, y Luis Aguirre, presidente y CEO de GreenMomentum Inc., por mencionar algunos.

sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

ScalingUpM // El mes del escalamiento

@ScalingUpM: ¿Quienes participan en @ScalingUpM? Empresas, Startups, Emprendedores, Mentores, Expertos, Inversionistas y Aliados
Ver video

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015


¿Qué es?

La información sobre nuestros los sponsors y organismos que apoyan Scaling Up Month la podrán encontrar en nuestra web.

lunes, 5 de enero de 2015

Looking for Leading Researcher (Mexican, University or Research Center)

  • We are looking for a Leading Researcher in the following sectors:

    Health (focussing on challenges in the Mexican health system, including: IT platforms, medical devices, pharmaceutical, intelligent manufacturing etc. to address, for example, diabetes, hypertension, breast cancer, AIDS, rare diseases, child mortality etc.).

  • Energy (generation, storage, distribution, intelligent manufacturing etc.)

  • Space (Advanced engineering with social impact applications in the sectors of automotive, aerospace, technology, telecommunications, security, geo reference and communication). 

    Future Cities, focused on renewable energy, clean technologies and the built environment

    Infrastructure for Society (including civil engineering, transport, information and communication technologies, big data for social and economic development)

    Rural and urban development (including smart/green cities, safety and security, sustainable buildings design)

    Agriculture, fishing and forestry (biotechnology, IT platforms, conservation, logistics distribution, genetics, intelligent manufacturing processes, etc.)

    Water (use, sanitation, distribution, etc.)

    Weather and environment (climate change, green technologies, sustainable development, services to the ecosystem, scarcity of resources etc.)